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  • Writer's pictureQais Kattom

My Personal Experience

When I was in the 6th grade, I had a rough time with my weight. I would always get bullied and picked on, but I would try to find ways to move past all the useless bullying by eating my pain away. It may sound sad and depressing, but that's actually what I did. I look back at it now and see myself as an idiot for eating so much. To this day, I still have a lot of extra skin, and every time I pull it down or stare at it, it reminds me of all the hard work I had to put myself through to loose about 70 pounds.

Let's start with what I did to lose all this weight. My mom always saw me sad and depressed, and she knew I would never do something about it, so she stepped in and did. She took me to a gym and signed me up. At first, neither of us knew what to do to lose weight. I tried the basics like running, ab workouts, and lots of sweating. I am not saying those things do not work, but there is something that is way more important that I was not doing. Which was eating well? I would still go home and snack on cheesecake or whatnot, and my mom would always try to stop me. It got to a point where I would sneak food and eat it without anyone knowing. Until one day, my mom just stopped buying junk food, and I had no choice but to eat the meal she gave me. Over some time, my weight would always be going up and down, and that probably had to be the worst part. Let me tell you I would spend over 2 hours in the gym every week. So, I continued this process for a month of running my heavy heart out and eating well. In that month, I lost 4 pounds; I did not want what to feel at that moment. My mom was proud, but I was not; I looked at it as a nightmare. If I wanted to look healthy and fit, it would have taken me over a year. I tried to stop going to the gym just because I hated it. I hated every second of it; I would always try to act sick or even start an argument so that I would not have to go.

Let's skip another month or so down the line at this moment in the two months I have been giving it my all I have only lost five pounds. Until one day at the gym, this super muscular guy came up to me and asked if I was trying to lose weight. And I said, "YES," he replied with, "I always see you running, but what if I told you that everything your doing is wrong." I was shocked when he said this just because you all ways, hear and see that running helps you get in shape. He taught me a few things that helped me big time. One big thing he informed me that worked is something called military sprints. Which are you sprit as hard as you can for a minute and walk for another minute, and you do this until you hit 10 minutes. Another good advice was to work on different parts of your body every day. I would do the same thing every day, and I would walk in there and jog for 3 miles, which took roughly around an hour or so. Then I would try some random free weights. With just these small tips, I was able to lose 5 pounds in one week. Another five the next week, it started getting harder to lose more weight every time. I never got this guy's name, but he would always give me some advice now and then which helped. I wonder if he never came up to if I would still be the same lazy fat slob I was.

All I have to say is thanks to that buff old guy because, without him, I don't even want to know on how I would look like.

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